Coreod Space

Coreod Space is a company specializing in E-Health, offering digital therapies based on researches and findings in our Space Neuropsychology Lab (SNL).

Our goal is to help mankind conquer space, while improving the resilience of space travelers.

The main focus of the SNL is to come with a protocol that helps the astronauts manage their stress and mental health while in space. A major part of the protocol will also be offered to the public thanks to the Coreod Space platforms: Coreod App and Coreod Virtual Reality.

In our metaverse, “Coreod Land”, Planet Vega holds the Chateau D’Aor, a top-tier venue for our innovative technology developed by Coreod Space. By connecting to our platforms and switching from virtual to augmented reality, you can take advantage of personalized coaching sessions whether it be exercising, yoga, or telehealth consultations with our practitioners from the center.