Zen Soma Detox Cure
To disperse the mental load, rest the body and rekindle the mind flame.
This cure offers a Space – Time of cares to find oneself and better restart.
The life constant race and the daily stress result in toxins accumulation in our body and especially our liver and digestive system that may be dangerous.
This cure is intended for people who wish to disconnect from their daily stressful environment and calm their mind restlessness. We propose them to reach a homeostasis Body-Mind-Psyche thanks to a healthy detoxified body and a rested mind.
Cure objectives :
- Improve your stress management on the long term
- Learn letting go
- Improve your sleep quality
- Eliminate toxins accumulated in the body
- Strengthen the immune system
Proposed program with a combination of the following tools :
- Meditation
- Pranayama (yogic breathing)
- Yoga
- Mind-fullness and letting go
- Relaxing and revitalizing massages
- Hydro-aromatherapy sessions üFitness
- Fasting cure supervised by our medical team
- Energetic assessment
- Bioenergetic treatments
- Psychotherapy support sessions with
- Hypnosis
Duration : as of 4 days
Price : from 5000€ - quotation upon request
For reservations and informations, our team will be at your service to build your individualized cure with you.