Vitality and weight loss Cure
Sedentary lifestyle, lack of time, and fatigue result in toxins and kilos accumulation through the years.
This cure is meant for people wishing to recuperate a healthy weight and a detoxified body.
Cure Objectives:
- Improvement of anxiety states causing weight gain
- Necessary tools acquisition for weight loss and stabilization
- Body detoxification
- Digestive issues improvement
- Reacquire healthy eating
- Daily stress management improvement
- Immune system strengthening
- Learn letting go
Proposed program with a combination of the following tools :
- Patient medical file review by our medical team
- Bioenergetic assessment and interpretation
- Nutritional detox re-balance according to metabolism
- Food re-apprenticeship
- Meditation
- Fitness
- Specific yoga for body and joints flexibility
- Energetic massages üCellu M6 massages
- Lymphatic massages
- Hydro-aromatherapy
- Fasting cure supervised by our medical team
- Bioenergetic treatments
- Psychotherapy support sessions with
- Hypnosis
Duration : as of 7 days
Price : from 8000€ - quotation upon request
For reservations and informations, our team will be at your service to build your individualized cure with you.